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VPN in Denmark

No log files
Up to 1000 Mbps bandwidth
Cascading over multiple VPN servers
Unlimited traffic and unlimited number of connections
Fast support via ticket system, forum and TeamViewer
Works on all your devices: Computer, Tablet, Smartphone
IPv6 support

Our VPN server in Copenhagen provides up to 1000 Mbps bandwidth and is ideal for good peering to Scandinavia and Europe.

One advantage of the location is that no internet filtering is in place; the constitution and law provide for freedom of speech and press, and the government generally respects these rights in practice. The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) found no evidence of Internet filtering in Norway in 2009.[1]

While there are certain restrictions for certain content like copyright-infringing content if one of the providers is ordered to do so by a court, this does not apply to Perfect Privacy users because the blocking is enforced by DNS and Perfect Privacy uses its own name servers which are not affected.

As a Perfect Privacy customer you can choose whether you want to use our Danish exit node for all your encrypted internet traffic or you can always switch to a server outside of Denmark or Europe if the need arises.

[1] OpenNet Initiative: Summarized global Internet filtering data

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