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VPN Comparison and Review Sites Test

Many VPN review and comparison sites are listing Perfect Privacy and compare them to other VPN services. Some of these review sites are affiliate partners which means they receive a commission when a user decides to choose Perfect Privacy from their site.

For us, it is essential that reviews, rankings, and ratings are fair and impartial.

In the list below we rank VPN comparison and review sites by comprehensible criteria.

The following distinct features make Perfect Privacy the unique VPN provider that is worth its money:

  • NeuroRouting
  • Cascaded connections (Multi-Hop)
  • TrackStop
  • Stealth VPN
  • Malware protection
  • Phishing filter
  • Child protection filter
  • All servers operating within RAM-Disks
  • IPv6 Support
  • 7-day money-back guarantee
  • unlimited number of simultaneous connections
  • Port forwarding
  • only dedicated servers
  • up to 1000 Mbps bandwidth
  • Android app
  • IP leak protection
  • IPv6 leak protection
  • DNS leak protection
  • WebRTC leak protection
  • MSLeak protection

Being up-to-date and comprehensive in the reviews is particularly important to us. Therefore each page receives a point that mentions one of these criteria. The result is a ranking based on the points earned.

Note that the list contains English and German reviews. For reasons of authenticity, we have not translated any quotes from German review sites.

What VPN comparison sites say about us:


    "The progressive security features and the absolute no logging policy make it a VPN for sophisticated users." (20 points)


    "Als Premium VPN-Anbieter ist PP führend." (18 points)
    "Even alien technology can't track you if you are using this top VPN provider." (18 points)
    "Perfect Privacy VPN is one of the most creative and one of the most innovative virtual private network providers who have given their very best to give the most efficient and effective solution for internet privacy, anonymous web browsing, and secure data transfer protocol." (18 points)


    "After testing numerous VPN services over the past few years, Perfect Privacy remains my top VPN recommendation." (17 points)
    "The VPN is aptly named because it provides a large number of privacy and security features - including some that are somewhat rare." (17 points)


    "Perfect Privacy has been around since 2008 and it seems that ever since then, this VPN software has been all you need for, well, perfect privacy." (16 points)


  • "NeuroRouting is an advanced feature which is exclusive to Perfect Privacy, and we have to say that it is of the unique ones as well." (13 points)


    "Perfect Privacy boasts some high-end security features that are hard to find elsewhere." (12 points)
    "After testing over 100 VPN services over the past couple of years, Perfect Privacy remains on my list of top-favorite VPNs." (12 points)
  • ProxyCoupons
    "It is one of the most respected and well-known VPN providers in the world and has a loyal following of users who appreciate its commitment to security." (12 points)


    "Perfect Privacy is a VPN provider with a heavy focus on advanced online security." (11 points)


    "Nach jahrelanger Nutzung von verschiedenen VPN Anbietern können wir in 2018 eigentlich nur Perfect Privacy VPN aus voller Überzeugung empfehlen" (10 points)
    "Maximale Privatsphäre garantiert in meinem Test nur dieser Anbieter wirklich nachvollziehbar." (10 points)
    "The quality of service is excellent and if you are looking for premium VPN service, then is the best." (10 points)
    "In fact, its security features are on par – or even better than some of the best VPN providers in the industry." (10 points)


    "Customizable and costly, Perfect Privacy mostly impresses." (8 points)
    "Perfect Privacy is a bit like the Porsche of VPN services." (8 points)
    "Für Nutzer, die so anonym wie möglich, unter Nutzung hochmoderner Verschlüsselungstechniken und einem weltweiten Netzwerk von für verschiedenste Dienste dedizierten Perfect Privacy Servern bleiben wollen ist dies ein guter Schutz." (8 points)


    "Their site is pretty good, and it’s pretty easy to get started with their service." (7 points)
    "Schweizer VPN-Taschenmesser für Profis." (7 points)
    "Therefore, In terms of privacy and security, it has your back." (7 points)
  • VPNSoftwares
    "In 2016, Perfect Privacy was started first customizable filter to block ad advertisements." (7 points)


    "They're famous for their high standard of efficiency and safety." (6 points)
    "Perfect Privacy scores high in our tests. The tool needs praise for its multi-hop feature, which is a powerful innovation as is neuro-routing." (6 points)


    "Perfect Privacy offers a feature-rich, reliable VPN for those who need privacy." (5 points)
    "Die Breite der angebotenen Features dieses Tools sind meiner Meinung nach nahezu ungeschlagen und dienen allen voran eurer eigenen Sicherheit und Anonymität im Netz." (5 points)
    "Perfect Privacy doesn’t let us down, offering best-in-class protocols and encryption options." (5 points)
  • VPNs.Reviews
    "The security is highly impressive with many good features." (5 points)


    "Perfect Privacy ist stark im Non-Logging und wenn es um Privatsphäre geht" (4 points)
    "Perfect Privacy is one of the best VPN service providers for total anonymity in the market today." (4 points)
    "Die Anonymität und Privatsphäre seiner Kunden sind das Hauptaugenmerk des Anbieters, und die Infrastruktur wurde in diesem Sinne gebaut." (4 points)


    "Ich selbst empfinde diesen Anbieter "unvergleichlich gut"!" (3 points)
    "High-end VPN service and internet anonymizer, Perfect Privacy has a focus on extreme security, quality bandwidth & advanced features." (3 points)


    "Perfect-Privacy VPN ist herausragend geeignet die eigene Identität auch online zu schützen!" (2 points)


    "Perfect Privacy VPN is a good VPN to protect your online privacy and security." (1 point)
    "The usage experience is good and connection speed and security are nice, which is what we desire most in any VPN." (1 point)
    "Perfect Privacy, der zweitplatzierte VPN-Anbieter, ist der mit Abstand teuerste." (1 point)
    "Unlike other VPN providers Perfect Privacy is working 100% anonymous, no log files, no traffic limit and up to 1000 Mbit" (1 point)


    "With it, you’ll be able to browse the web anonymously, without any traces of your private details." (0 points)
    "Perfect Privacy ist ein Premium-Anbieter mit besonders schneller Anbindung und sehr ausgereifter Verschlüsselung." (0 points)
    "Hohe Reputation als langjähriger Anbieter" (0 points)

Should we have forgotten a VPN comparison or review page, if we made any mistake or if a review has been updated in the meantime, you are welcome to contact us. We cordially invite any other comparison page that would like to appear in this list.

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